Friday, May 21, 2010

Temp Jobs

So sometimes you get hooked up with some pretty sweet temp jobs like today. I am on the 56th floor and can see the whole city. This is the view from my desk, if I were to get up and walk to the left side of the picture you can see all of down town. The office is beautiful, and there is a lot of food lying around for me, LOVE IT!!!!!!


  1. i cant decide whats better! the food or the view!!! hahahha

  2. i am very excited about this blog. so for the temp jobs: is it something different everyday, or do you stay at one place for a while then move on?

  3. I thought for sure that you would say you owe all your success first to your wise father, second to your very kind and loving mother and third to your Sister Melissa who has bailed you out on numerous occasions. And of course to Douglas who put up with you for two weeks!!!!!

    Love the Blog and excited about regular posts.
