Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So maybe I am slacking big time at doing this whole blog thing.....
if you want to know what I do EVERYDAY in France check out my France Pal Madeline...


she is the best durn blogger I ever seen. And I am with her most the time. Feel free to leave comments, she will relay them to me.

In the mean time I will try to be better.

Ill give you a quick update while I am typing. I got in a brawl today at Carrefour(grocery store). They would not take my credit card with out a passport....well if you know me I don't take NO for an answer especially not from some stubborn French lady. I shop at this place everyweek and they don't ever need a passport, they just want an ID. My international student card is just fine. Who caries their passport with them at all times??? No one. That is just silly.

So after lots of arguing leaving mad and returning and grabbing all my groceries in hand running away from her register I went to another line and went through with no problems not even an ID check, just swiped the card and left. So everything my teacher told me is true. You got to find the right French person to deal with because they all say different things. And some, have power complexes and want to prove to the Americans that the OWN you. Well guess what Carrefour checker lady, you got OWNED today....don't cross me, My name is Jamie and I don't take NO for an answer.

I believe if you know me you will attest this to be true and now i have proven to myself it works on other continents too.

All my love. xoxo

Friday, February 11, 2011

June 6, 1944

Today we had the opportunity to visit the beaches that US troops invaded on D-day. It was an emotional day to see such important places in the history of the world. I have a stronger appreciation for those that sacrificed their lives for people they did not know. Over 10,000 young men sacrificed their lives on a very carefully planned invasion. I learned many logistic facts about the invasion that were very interesting to me. It was planned on a full moon so the airplanes would be able to see well enough and the soldiers could successfully parachute to ground. Fake parachuters were thrown from airplanes so that some German troops would leave the posts near the beaches. I watched Saving Private Ryan this week because I was told by Allison I had to watch before going. I'm very glad I did to understand how intense and incredible the invasion really was.
These were the most moving head stones. They read, "Here rests in honored glory, A comrade in arms, Know but to God."

The crosses go on farther than the eye can see.

The weather was beautiful. I can not get enough of the sun. The weather in Paris has been over cast for a while. The sun highlighted the beautifully kept grounds.
The flowers amidst the crosses were beautiful.

On the cliff over looking the beach. Can you see all the craters in the back round? The ground in covered in craters where bombs were dropped and mines/grenades were set off. Some were very deep. It was surreal to see it all and imagine the ciaos that happened that morning.

We arrived before sunset and had the opportunity to see the sun rise. Again, a very moving experience. Forever grateful!

We also spent some time down on Omaha beach. We took many acrobatical pictures, I will have to add those soon!
Love you all!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I am fascinated with public transportation, in Paris that is. I never have to wait longer than 3 minutes for a train. When you get to the platform there is a digital clock like thing that tells you when the next two trains will arrive. I usually find it to be 3 and 7 minutes. I don't know why anyone would wait for the next train unless it is super crowded, but I guess it is nice to know when the next two trains will arrive. Anyways, off point, the metro is fantastic there are over 12 lines that intersect all over the city. Plus, there are underground tunnels so even after you get off the metro you can walk underground for .5 miles till the appropriate exit of connecting train. It is crazy because they have moving walkways and they go on forEVER. It is crazy to see. Nonetheless, the metro is so convenient not even having to wait for a train, they always seem to arrive just as i get to the platform. I am still amazed at how many people are in this city. The metro always seems pretty packed and the streets too. Do these people work? apparently not. They just ride the metro all day and walk the streets.
Me enjoying public transportation. This is on the bus, but everytime we take the bus we get incredibly lost late at night.....so this is probably the only bus picture i will have. We are taking a fast from buses.
Here is the metro mid day. So again.....these people don't work but just take metros all day to keep them crowded.
"Us" on the metro. Squished together of course, always crowded.